Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Letter To The President

Dear Mr. President,

             First of all, I would like to greet you a Good day. I hope you will spend a little of your time reading this simple letter I made for you. This letter contains some questions about our beloved country.

             First, How can you raise our economy? Yes, maybe you already made some 'enhancements' of our economy during the past years. But is it already enough to be stuck in our economy level forever? Well for me ( and maybe most of the Filipinos), we still want to see more progress of our country. Second, How can you help fight drug addiction in our country? Let's be honest that recently, drug-related cases drastically went up. And what's most alarming is minors are now getting involved on it. I hope you will give attention to this because I believe that youth is the Future of the world.

But overall, I am impressed of what you've accomplished for our country. I like your approval of the K-12 3 years ago. I hope it will continuously increase our productivity level for the next generations, and hopefully will lead to a brighter and better future.

                                                                                                             Sincerely Yours,
                                                                                                             Jhed Vhinzent Ped