Saturday, February 14, 2015

It is not a goodbye

     With more than a month more to go, Graduation is indeed, quickly approaching. It is a memorable event in which we will be able to rip all things that we sow through the time we spent in School. But something's not that easy to let go, the friendship we built with people throughout the course of the school.

     As our classmate said, ' We started from a simple hello but ended up with complicated goodbyes.' Guess it's somehow applicable to most of us. When we first met during our freshmen years, we were just strangers to one another. But look at us now, we already looked like brothers and sisters to one another because of the bond we developed through the years. But I guess nothing's permanent, everything is inevitable. Some say that they don't want to graduate yet because they will be forced to put away their High School moments but they got it wrong. Why put away those precious memories if you can always put them in your heart? For me, memories are to be treasured and shared, not put into trashes.

     The hardest feeling is the feeling of ending such a colorful journey just because you have already finished it. But all things have good sides, and I guess its good side is it will lead us into better experiences in our lives. So why not cheer up and give it a try? All that I am trying to say is to just enjoy what life has to offer, enjoy life as if you are just playing and I assure you, you will never feel like you are having a hard time.

I write my own destiny

Resulta ng larawan para sa Future picsEvery time someone tells me what course suits me best, I always answer them, ‘It’s my life. I can do what I want. And what I want is to become what I want.’ It is sort of harsh answer but that’s simply how it is. So what do I really want to be? So let’s see.
When I was still a small boy, I always say that I want to become a Civil Engineer. I don/t know what came into my mind when I said that statement. But I am sure that that decision is not the best I can do. So how about now? What do I want to become? As of now, I already decided to become a seafarer, a job that I looked up to since I stepped in High School. And I am pretty sure that this is the path to success for me. Why did I say so? Well, for me, If I can see myself doing a certain thing in my imagination/dreams, I will likely be doing that in the near future. And believe it or not, I dreamed one night that I was wearing a seafarers uniform as I stand next to the navigation room, and then someone called me ‘captain’. And then I woke up. In that instance, I already knew that this career will suit me best.

Presently, I am now applying to become a cadet in NYK-TDG Maritime Academy (NTMA), a Maritime School in Laguna. I chose to study their instead of studying on other schools because I saw how bright the opportunities that wait to the people who graduate from there. So I will do whatever I am capable of to be able to grab the slot to success, and to fulfil my real ambition.

Friday, February 13, 2015

How the final period went

     After three furious gradings, the final grading has already coming into an end. With a little more push, we will already be officially declared 'graduates', a sad yet exciting part of life. And with this milestone in our life, I guess tears will be shedding, not just because of the pain we will be feeling when we will be parting ways with our comrades in High School but also tears of joy.

     As my classmate said, ' It is never appropriate to say goodbye to someone. Because saying such word means leaving them permanently and FORGETTING THEM. After the final exams, we will already be trying to spend the rest of our High School life bonding with our friends, cherishing each moment we share because these memories are the 'treasure' we will be carrying through the ages, a treasure that can never be stolen by anyone. Yes t may not worth some bucks but it is worth more than any amount can match.

    The final grading is a time where we are trying to cherish every single moment of everyday it has, especially to us, the graduating class. For we will be parting ways to pursue our careers in life, But one thing's for sure, This has been the most colorful chapter of my life. Of course it is sad to part ways with people you love but it is essential to make a step further into life.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Change for the better

     As we all know, everything changes as time passes by. The people who are like everything to us now maybe no more than ordinary after some time. But not all changes are negative. There are also changes that makes everything better, like a change for the better, a change for myself.

    No one is born perfect. Everyone of us commits mistakes. We all have that 'dark-side' that contains all our bad habits. So we must change these habits to be able to transform into a better individual. I can associate this change into what caterpillars undergo to become a magnificent Butterfly, the metamorphosis. The caterpillar is referred to as myself, myself that is full of those negative characteristics. So it must undergo a very sophisticated process to be able to transform into a better person. But to do this, you must first go through several challenges. We must overcome these challenges to be able to transform and become the butterfly of ourselves. 

     We are not born perfect. We must all strive hard to be able to become a 'butterfly'. A butterfly that was able to withstand various trials that life had thrown to us. We must change, change, and change again. Because, "Nothing is permanent in this world except CHANGE".

Sunday, January 4, 2015

A season worth remembering

      Last grading has been a hectic time for most of the students. Many events were launched on both Regional, National, and division level. But i have learned something important this time, prioritization of things.

     The third grading period was more of a time management rather than an academic period. First, the Division Schools Press Conference, second was the Vigan City Sports Fest, and lastly, the Regional Schools Press Conference, which was held in Bantay , I.S. It may sound easy but obviously, it is not, and never will be. Imagine weeks of preparations for each event? A week without getting in touch of the things that are going on in your school? Oh God,  I feel like I have to burn my brows overnight just to keep in touch of the lessons, which I found hard. And not only that, the Christmas break is also scheduled this period, so we will only be able to tackle SOME of our lessons that will appear on the exam.

     This grading's time allotment might not be enough for us but there are lot of things that we discovered not just in our selves but also for other's sake. One of these is we must utilize our time as productive as possible because as the old saying goes, 'TIME IS GOLD'.