Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas in our hearts

     'Whenever I see girls and boys selling lanterns on the streets'. As these lines go, there is only one thing that come into our mind, CHRISTMAS. But what is Christmas by the way? Why is it very special to us?

     Christmas is the time of the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ on a simple manger in a stable in Bethlehem. It may not be a 'king's bed' but three magis approached the newborn child, alongside with Mary and Joseph to give their offerings to the messiah.This shows that no matter how simple things show, they are also special in other ways.

     During Christmas, we reciever gifts from people whom we know. Big or small, exopensive or cheap, they are all gifts that they gave with all of their hearts, so we must be grateful for them.

     Christmas is not all about those fancy gifts we recieve. It's all about the happiness we impart to other in this season/time, and that is the true essence of Christmas.

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