Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Year, new me

     Every year, I always promise to change for the better. But you know what? Almost nothing changes. I may start the year with something good bu unfortunately, I can't be able to sustain this start. 

     So this year, I am not promising myself that I will be a better person. Instead, I will just try to make my life better, without sacrificing things that I love to do. Actually, it is only days left before a new year will unfold. We will see again hundreds of post on social media about those 'new year, new me' thingies. It maybe good to see but will they make it come rue, maybe just 10% of it. So why not try to make it without telling it to others.

     Approaching a new year means unfolding new memories that we will cherish, new qualities of us which will be discovered. Just remember to change yourself int a better one, not into a worse one.

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