Tuesday, August 5, 2014

First Quarter Ends!

      It's been two months since our last year here in High School began. We must now enjoy our last year and at the same time, do our very best to make our High school life memorable in terms of memories and academics.

      First grading is now coming to an end. After the Periodical exams, the first quarter of the school year will officially end. So far, my First grading experience became very exciting. Many challenges arouse like tons of projects and a lot of requirements to be submitted, subjects to be reviewed, etc. Even though these challenges came to me this year, I still received some of the best memories a High school student must have, Fun moments with your classmates. Yes, we, our classmates all vary in terms of attitudes but this made our life. We argued many times but in the end, we all go home as friends with a smile on our faces. We've decided to do everything to win every competition we will join. Yet we didn't have such perfect performances, we are still surely proud of what we accomplished because we know that that performance is what we have made with our hardwork and determination. During classes, we help each other when they are in need, Yet competition cannot be avoided, we did it in a fun and friendly way so we can't feel the pressure. During our vacant time, we have fun, real fun like singing songs together, watching movies, and many more.

     The First grading period is about to end but there still some time remaining for us to make the best out of it. So we must just have fun and treat school in a fun way. Although it is really a hard challenge, there is no hard challenge if you are happy on it.

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